Friday, November 9, 2007

American Culture

This is where students from the Chisholm Institute of TAFE and Australian Institute of Technology and Education in Australia can ask questions about culture, customs, and traditions in America. Students from Hope Street Academy can answer questions and comment about life in America.


partap singh said...

AITE PARTAP SINGH 14th November 2007

American culture questions:
(1) Who is the most famous person in USA history?
(2) What is the most popular types of food eaten?
(3) Why do you celebrate Halloween?
(4) How many different ethic cultures are there?
(5) What is the population?
(6) Which season are you in now?
(7) What is the meaning of thanks giving?
(8) How many states do you have, which one is yours?

amspec said...


Please can you answer the following question?

(1) What is the most interesting thing in your country?
(2) How many people living in your city?
(3) How they people spend our days in routine life?
(4) How many season in your country?
(5) Who is the best singer of USA?
(6) Tell me about your government policy?
(7) What about your transports system?
(8) What is name of most popular car in USA?
(9) Who is the famous actor of your country?
(10)What is the name of famous vegetable food?

YadadaYefta said...

United States history has ALOT of famouse people. We have people like Martin Luther King Jr. who played a big part in African-American freedom. Others range from notable presidents to people like Bill Gates, who gives huge ammounts of money to charaties around the world. He is also the richest man alive. Most popular types of foods eaten in the united states? Alot. Fast food is plentiful. I think within our city limits, which spans about 60 sq. miles, we have 13 McDonald's fast food restauranst. People love their food in the U.S. Whether its homecooked or on the go, as long as they have it. haha. Why we celebrate Halloween? The best answer i can think of is that kids want A) Candy, and B) Dress up in fun costumes one day a year. The United States has 50 states, ours being Kansas. Kansas is right in the middle of the map. It is located right above Oklahoma, underneat Nebraska, and in between Missourie and Colorado. I hope some of this gives you a little better understanding of the "Ameriacan Ways." :D

YadadaYefta said...

Oh, by the way. Usually vegetables arent famous, but, we do actually have some famous veggies in the United States. They're called "Veggie Tales." check them out on google sometime. Maybe You-Tube.

lc said...

there are alot of famous people in the united states my favorite is lil wayne he is the best hip hop artist, and like denzel washington he is my favorite movie star. there are many types of food people eat i like chicken. Most people eat fast food, lie MCdonalds or burger king. im really not a halloween person i think most kids do it for the candy. right now we are in the middle of fall, it's starting to get pretty cold. i like thanksgiving i guess it's only cause of the food i live in kansas but there is 49 other states.
i really dont like our government policy. most people travel by car or bus. our most famous actor probably is denzel washington.

Manjit singh said...

hi how r u

kirandeep said...

hi my name is kirandeep singh from melbourne australia.i am a student at aite collage. i want to ask you some questions.
1 how is the weather in US?
2 what is the population of US?
3 how many language spoken in US?

Ricky said...

My name is Ricky. I live in Australia (mel).I am student of AITE. I dont know about usa.I would like to ask some qustion about usa. So could you please tell me....

1. May i know about yourself?
2. Whats your activities in your daily life ?
3. where do you live in USA?

MOHAMED said...

Hi, my name is Mohamed I am from Egypt, I am studying now at AITE in Melbourne. I would like to ask you about your customs and traditions in USA as well as your opinions about immigrants, are you welcoming them or not? Finally I would like to know if you agree with the policy of USA towards foreign affairs with different countries.
wish to hear from you as soon as possible.

baljit said...


1. What are most popular things in your country ?
2. What about your different types of food ?
3. What about transportation system in your country ?
4. What is famous car in your city ?
5. Which is the famous and popular city in your country ?
6. Whose best singer $ artist ?
7. What is the meaning of Halloween ?
8. Which is the beautiful place in your country ?

monika said...

lHi my Name is Monika I am student of AITE
1. I would like to ask question that who is famous person?
2. Who are famous person in USA history ?
3. What is means of Haloween and thanksgiving ?
4. What are custom and traditions ?
5. Who is Kansas?
6. What types of dresses they would like to wear?
7. What season they like most?
8. What types of food they like most?

Blake Berry said...

To Kirandeep Singh...
The weather in the United States varies from region to region. There are dry and hot deserts, humid and rainy forests, mild weathered plains.
The population of the united states is currently right around 300 million. Just 50 years ago it was only 240 million. The population of Kansas is just under 3 million.
There are only to main languages English and Spanish. But on the east coast, a few middle eastern languages are spoken and on the west coast a few far eastern languages are spoken,like Chinese.

Unknown said...

i think the most food eaten here are fast foods. Pizza is very popular but also mcdonalds is too a lot of people go there a lot